— dr. vimal ramjee
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Corporate growth
through healthcare
& technology

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is led by

VentureWell is a digital health
and wellness firm led by

dr. vimal ramjee

A best-in-class medical expert to healthcare-oriented companies, helping them prepare for next-level growth

We bring best-in-class medical
knowledge and technology expertise to
healthcare-oriented companies, helping
them reach next-level growth.

you’re in good company

Health Grades

Google reviews


Reimagining Wellness

A passion for care

As a board-certified cardiologist in the epicenter of cardiovascular disease, I take care of people who are at the end of the line every day - heart attacks, heart failure, strokes, hypertension, and diabetes. Death and suffering day in and day out have compelled me to step back and help companies bring effective solutions to the health and wellness arena.

Hearth Image
Human Image
Healthcare + Technology

Technical expertise,
minus the jargon

I merge authoritative level domain knowledge in medicine, and cardiovascular disease (top 0.2% of US medical graduates) with unique expertise in health technology. I work directly alongside executive, product, and technology teams to build impactful health-oriented products.

Begin, be bold, and venture to be wise.




This is our opportunity to learn more about each other. During the discovery call, we will discuss your specific needs and vision to create a scope of work.


Using our scope of work, we bring the deep insights discussed during discovery into an actionable roadmap that will get us to the desired outcome.


We methodically bring the roadmap to life. We work closely with all relevant teams to engage in implementation of our work plan until completion.

services offered

Chief Medical Officer

Clinical Innovation Specialist

Advisory, Consultant & Strategy


Multi-platform Expertise

Facile with newest tech-forward team environments

Deep Knowledge Icon

Seven board-certifications with authoritative clinical and scientific knowledge base

Health + Tech Experience

Lead new technologies implementation in one of the largest health networks in the country

Technical Icon
technical minus the jargon

Great proven ability working with complex technical product offerings and processes involving multiple stakeholders

Deep learning icon
Machine Learning Know-How

Expertise in end-to-end creation and implementation of high throughput AI-driven clinical programs.

Automation Icon
Cross-Functional Team Builder

Stengths: Executing, Relationship Building, Strategic, Learner, Futuristic

Dr. Ramjee continues to help Qtis AI lead in the field of advanced medical computer vision research. Within our cardiovascular imaging synthetics product pipeline, Dr. Ramjee provides invaluable expertise that allows us to understand the critical aspects around use cases through defined success stories and extensive testing. As the field of artificial intelligence in medicine and healthcare continues to grow, multidisciplinary experts like Dr. Ramjee are essential to help bridge the gap between advanced innovations and in-situ applications.

Mark Swartz
CEO / Neural; CTO / Qtis AI

Advancing cutting edge medical technologies requires leadership and navigation of many moving parts in the healthcare system. Dr. Ramjee's thoughtful approach relative to patient benefit, clinical workflow, and physician adoption creates a springboard for rapid integration into the system. It is his type of leadership that shortens the timeline from adoption to scale, creating a blueprint in using medical technologies to advance patient care.

Nick Lubbers
Senior Director of Central Health Systems // Eko

Dr. Ramjee is a cardiologist who brings unique interdisciplinary domain knowledge to the health + tech sector. He understands the technical, AI and workflow components, which allows him to add value as a health tech leader and offer clinical insights to HeartFlow's engineers and technical specialists.

Joseph Binkley
Senior CT Applications Specialist // HeartFlow

Vimal has been an incredible asset to our company and team. He has authoritative expertise in the medical and scientific arena that is directly relevant to the health and wellness sector. Vimal has added immense value to our company as he is capable of working cross-functionally with our engineering, product, operations and marketing teams. He is unusually skilled in all the key areas that a digital health company needs. Most importantly, Vimal genuinely invests himself in the success of the teams he joins.

Anttoni Aniebonam
CEO Veri
Next Testimonial Arrow

Dr. Ramjee is a cardiologist who brings unique interdisciplinary domain knowledge to the health + tech sector. He understands the technical, AI and workflow components, which allows him to add value as a health tech leader and offer clinical insights to HeartFlow's engineers and technical specialists.

Joseph Binkley
Senior CT Applications Specialist // HeartFlow

Advancing cutting edge medical technologies requires leadership and navigation of many moving parts in the healthcare system. Dr. Ramjee's thoughtful approach relative to patient benefit, clinical workflow, and physician adoption creates a springboard for rapid integration into the system. It is his type of leadership that shortens the timeline from adoption to scale, creating a blueprint in using medical technologies to advance patient care.

Nick Lubbers
Senior Director of Central Health Systems // Eko

Dr. Ramjee continues to help Qtis AI lead in the field of advanced medical computer vision research. Within our cardiovascular imaging synthetics product pipeline, Dr. Ramjee provides invaluable expertise that allows us to understand the critical aspects around use cases through defined success stories and extensive testing. As the field of artificial intelligence in medicine and healthcare continues to grow, multidisciplinary experts like Dr. Ramjee are essential to help bridge the gap between advanced innovations and in-situ applications.

Mark Swartz
CEO / Neural; CTO / Qtis AI

Vimal has been an incredible asset to our company and team. He has authoritative expertise in the medical and scientific arena that is directly relevant to the health and wellness sector. Vimal has added immense value to our company as he is capable of working cross-functionally with our engineering, product, operations and marketing teams. He is unusually skilled in all the key areas that a digital health company needs. Most importantly, Vimal genuinely invests himself in the success of the teams he joins.

Anttoni Aniebonam
CEO Veri
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